Service & Repair

Our Storemate repair module supports repair and service tasks in a sophisticated manner. All mobile phone repairs, electrical item repairs and computer repairs will be managed through this module.

  • Repair tasks will be managed with customer details.

  • All item (product) details are recorded with a single view.

  • Presence of a serial number tracking method.
  • Repair status customization according to your company.
  • SMS and email notifications options for repair jobs.
  • Spare part monitoring system based on the repair job.
  • Invoice management based on the repair jobs.

Job Sheets

Allows customers to create worksheets including all the details of the items brought to be repaired by you.

Spare Parts

Tracking parts added to the job while managing inventory levels.

Repair Status

Process and change the status of the job completion according to its progress.

SMS & Email Notifications

Send SMS and email notifications to customers regarding the job progress.

Screen Shots

By Lanka Herath

How it works

This video demonstrates how the repair module functions alongside the Storemate POS system in managing your daily repair services and jobs. 

Presented by
Lanka Herath
MBA, Bsc.(Admin) Sp. USJP, IBSL



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